Published by admin on February 24, 2018


  A la one of my favorite Frenchmen (viva la France!) after Camus, that is– Sartre discussed the notion of “bad faith.”   What is bad faith? We were born into a world that already had a bunch of givens: how to behave how to live (though, ironically… not much of a manual for how…

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Published by admin on April 27, 2016

Shaken or Stirred: How Do You Like Your LOVE Served?

Coffee. Some people like it black. Others with loads of sugar. Then, there are the Starbucks people. Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte With Soy Milk, please. My point: people have very specific ways they like their coffee. And once they find the way they like it, they usually stick with it. You rarely hear a Starbucks…

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Published by admin on November 20, 2015

A Field Guide to Leaving the Person You Love

How the fuck do you leave the person you love? I realize that I’m assuming that you may actually want to leave the person that you love. But if you’re in a relationship and struggling that freaking much (you know who you are), then you absolutely should leave. Let’s start by getting all the reasons that you shouldn’t leave out on the…

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