Now Available!

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Poetry & Short Stories by Alex Obed

Artwork by Janet Gold

With a $25 purchase you will receive a signed copy of the book, and with a $35 purchase you will receive the book plus a poem typed from Alex’s typewriter!

Note: if you don’t have or use Paypal, you can also pay using:
Venmo: @Alex-Obed-1
CashApp:  $AlexanderObed

(just be sure to forward your mailing address to so we know where to ship it!)

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When I was a child, I loved playing on my mom’s typewriter.

The soothing hum when I turned it on. The sound of the carriage zipping from right to left. And how the little arms striking the page looked like the tentacles of a metal octopus.

It was like being the conductor of my own orchestra. But eventually (and isn’t this true of so many things from our youth) I forgot how much joy it brought me, and I set it aside.

Until about three years ago. I was driving around town on an errand and somehow found myself in an antique store. And that’s where I found her: a 1970’s Smith Corona electric typewriter. Baby blue. Or maybe she found me. Either way, she purred as soon as we got home. 

My morning ritual was to make some coffee and sit outside on my balcony, usually with a book, until inspiration hit. Then, I’d jump inside and start typing. 

This went on for a solid year, culminating in hundreds of pages—with absolutely no editing. It was during this time that I started to think, “Hey, I think I’m writing a book.” 

A year of revising later and I can honestly say that I’ve never surrendered to something more completely, nor suffered so much, willingly. And while I don’t see myself ever bringing life into this world in human form, this book is my baby—and it’s full of life!

“Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you.”
~Parker Palmer

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