Published by admin on August 19, 2016

Tough Conversations You Won’t Have with Your Partner

I understand why you don’t want to talk about it. I mean, your relationship is going “fine.” It’s been the best relationship you’ve had in a long time–maybe forever. Why rock the boat? But… if you really get quiet, you can hear the echo of doubt lingering deep in the unexplored caverns of your subconscious:…

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Published by admin on May 16, 2016

Why Men Lie

I recently wrote a post about cheating. I said that my future partner would never cheat on me because our relationship was going to be based on honesty. Blah, blah, blah. Super cheesy. But that was just the beginning of my thoughts on the topic. It’s not that my future partner isn’t going to cheat on me. It’s…

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